Sunday, April 27, 2008


Friday night a bunch of us screenwriters decided to go see our guru-yoda-sensei teacher, Hal Ackerman, in his new play called Testosterone: How Prostate Cancer Made a Man of Me. Now, b. star does not have the same equipment as the lead actor in this play and, contrary to Freud, does not simmer in hatred everyday because of it, but she can still empathize with coming down with a cancer that puts in question our basic conceptions of what it means to be a man or a woman. The play was funny, self-deprecating, sincere, and above all entertaining. I think my words should carry some weight considering I really dislike plays and I think musicals belong in the fifth circle of hell. Therefore, the fact that I didn’t need to take seven bathroom breaks or internet search the ingredients in marzipan or the benefits of double paned windows on my Blackberry shows that this play can engage even the more theatrically-challenged.

Showings: April 18-May 10

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